doTERRA product guide UK and EU overview

The best thing about the doTERRA guide is that it is more than just a catalogue of products for sale, it also gives the reader information on how to use the oils safely

The best thing about the doTERRA guide is that it is more than just a catalogue of products for sale, it also gives the reader information on how to use the oils safely

The doTERRA guide offers the best quality essential oils, so UK customers are never disappointed.

But why is the product guide so valued by the customer and wellness advocate alike?

Of course is is a great tool for sharing the products with others, because it is a visual connection between the rep and the prospect or customer. However, it also touches on the educational level in regards to understand the benefits of essential oils and aromatherapy.

Once the customer and prospect understand the therapeutic benefits of  aromatherapy they also understand the why they should find out more. The first stage of this is offering a guide such as can be downloaded from this page.

If you are an essential oils professional or enthusiast you already know that essential oils have a vast amount of uses. However for those of you who do not, there are three main methods when using oils and that is aromatic, topical and internal.

The doTERRA essential oils guide to how they work

The question I am often asked is do essential oils work? And I understand why people ask, but at the same time it is a big question. The only true way is to try them. When you open a bottle of therapeutic grade essential oils your senses are impacted by the aroma. For example, peppermint oil will clear your airways and from my personal experience it has been a relief when I have an acute allergic rhinitis to grasses in the summer.

This is just a simple example, but the guide will offer much more and aim you in the right direction when choosing oils for you and your family.

doTERRA product guide to transform your life

I know that many of us already realise this, but we are putting synthetic chemicals into our bodies everyday. Detoxifying our homes and life is never a bad thing, so you can imagine when I was shocked to hear that some parents in a school wanted to ban the use of essential oils cleaning products.  They believed that only chemical cleaners should be used. I am not sure if this mindset is about the lack of education or a reaction to change, but whatever, I believe there is enough information available showing that synthetic chemicals are not good for our children or society.

Using doTERRA products as a natural solution

If you don't believe that synthetic chemicals are a issue in our daily lives then it is no point in me trying to convince you any other way. However, if we start on the premise that you can see that unnatural products have become a massive burden on society and a negative influence on the way we think, feel and live, we are talking the same language.

We have recently detoxified our home completely with great results. Single essential oils as well as blends has made a massive impact on our health. We are using a mix of natural methods such as vinegar, baking soda and essential oils such as on-guard blend, lemon and peppermint.

Simple solutions for cleaning a burnt and dirty stove is by creating an on-guard spray with vinegar, on-guard blend and water. Spray the liquid onto the stove surface and then rub off the bad burnt stains with a cube of brown sugar.

Another simple solution for ants is to take a damp cloth and peppermint oil. The area the ants come into the house add a few drops of peppermint oils and wipe with the cloth. This means wiping peppermint oil around door steps, window sills and other surfaces where ants go.

Every simple solution such as those above reduce the amount of synthetic chemicals in your home. Once you have completely cleared out every chemical from your home you will feel the diffidence.

doTERRA oils UK

The doTERRA Guide to the modern use of essential oils

Historically, the birth place of essential oils was ancient Egypt. The Egyptians used oils for a wide range of uses such as religion, in cosmetics, for medicinal purposes and in embalming.

In the dark ages, essential oils found a ironic twist to its uses. The Church at the time believed that bathing was a sin, hence essential oils were used to mask the smell. Fortunately essential oils have anti-bacterial and anti-pesticide properties which help support some kind of healthy existence.

The renaissance period was really the first time in centuries  that aromatherapy was considered a positive influence on society. This probably helped by the free thinking ideas of the renaissance that consider the benefits of plant extracts and the  wisdom of folk medicine.

Over the last 50 years starting from the interest in natural medicine in the late 70's essential oils has found its own place in society. It could be argued that the rise in environmental concerns have made essential oils a influence on even the most traditional people in the world. We are all trying to be both happier and healthier by replacing  harmful chemicals with natural solutions.

Today, essential oils can be used for cooking, household cleaning, personal hygiene, sleep, boosting immunity, emotional health, weight management, and much, much more.

How to receive my doTERRA oils UK guide?

If you are curious about how you might use essential oils in your everyday life and you want to learn more?

If you are ready to learn more, we can show you how to use essential oils. Once you learn how to use essential oils, you will be on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

The doTERRA guide presents, doTERRA single oils, blended oils, weight loss products such as Slim and sassy, skin care products, and supplements all infused with therapeutic grade essential oils.

If you want more information about the doTERRA oils UK guide and more details about the doTERRA UK enrolment kits add your name, email address and a short message in the form below and I will get back to you asap.....

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